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Acid dyes
YIDEACID light, medium, and dark three primary color series
Light acid dye, suitable for dyeing very light to light colors
The three primary colors have excellent compatibility and good dye uptake
It has excellent coverage and migration to nylon cotton sliver flowers
Superior light color sun fastness,Medium deep excellent wet fastness
It is suitable for dyeing nylon, nylon microfiber, nylon / cotton, nylon / ammoniaand other blended fabrics
Medium and dark colors are suitable for medium and dark acid dyes
YD series are non-metallic dyes with bright color
It has excellent washing fastness at 60 ℃ and high fastness to active groups
Good levelness, compatibility and reproducibility
Suitable for dyeing nylon, wool, nylon / spandex and nylon microfiber
YIDEACID High Water Wash Series
1: 2 metal containing dyes
Good compatibility of three primary colors
Excellent fastness to wet treatment and light
Non catalytic fading
Dyeing nylon / spandex has good same color effect
YIDESET Wool Collection
Modified neutral dyes and reactive dyes are suitable for wool, silk, nylon and blends,and can be used for dyeing loose woolWool top, hank yarn, wool, cloth and ready-made clothes.
PH = 4.5-5, the pH value range with the least damage to wool belongs to the bestwool protection system
Excellent compatibility, excellent reproducibility and high standard fastness.
YIDEACID Regular Series
Complete chromatography, high lifting power, suitable for deep to extra dark dyeing.
Excellent sun fastness and washing fastness, suitable for high fastnessrequirements of nylon
Good levelness, compatibility and reproducibility
It is suitable for dyeing nylon, nylon microfiber, brocade / cotton, brocade / ammoniaand other blended fabrics
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